To break it down simply, please read the following when you have a few extra minutes and are in a position and mindset conducive to this sort of thing. It's kind of long, but very much worth it and extremely important. Again, your help is direly needed:

1) In all of human history there's never been more money, power, and influence concentrated in one place than right now - on Wall Street. 

2) That concentration and associated economic & power inequality is extremely dangerous to the well-being and health of everyone on the planet. 

3) If we watch and listen closely, we can see and hear the Wall Street propaganda and mantras: 

"trickle down economics, m'boy!" ... "pull yourself up by your bootstraps, pal" ... "greed is good!"  

4) The Wall Street network and regime is directly tied to:

5) What we're talking about - and what will be laid out here - is the best chance we have to fight against the Wall Street automata, network/regime, and force.

... some of those that work forces ... 

***This website is NOT financial advice. This website is dedicated to education and market literacy. Nothing on this website should be taken as financial advice.***

The meat of the issue is this:

Now, here's how we bring the hammer of justice on the psychopaths who've destroyed the lives of countless people across the world. It's fairly simple:

0) If counterfeit shares can be made (which they can and are), then there's a way to get real shares.

0-1) With enough people buying real shares of one company - all together, focusing on supporting and investing in one company - the counterfeiting can be made obvious to the whole world. We can bring to light the criminality and fraud and squeeze the con-men and psychopaths.

Here's a metaphor to help us understand the gist of this whole thing: 

Imagine an exclusive concert with only 1,000 tickets/seats available and it goes viral. 

Ticketmaster gets put in charge of sales and (secretly) finds out the performer/s came down with COVID - and are absolutely positive the concert is getting canceled and don't have to issue refunds. 

Why would the greedy Ticketmaster a$$holes stop at selling 1,000 tickets when they can just pay a small fine if they get caught selling 10,000 tickets? 

What happens when it turns out the performers make a miraculous recovery and the concert is back on? 

What happens when 10,000 people realize their email "tickets" are, possibly, no good and... basically counterfeit?  

1) Sign-up for an account with a brokerage/stock website. The current recommendation is Fidelity, as the subsequent steps after this are easier, but any brokerage will do. 
2) Buy a share (or shares) of GameStop - ticker/abbreviation: GME.
3) Currently, this costs about $20 - or a few beers/drinks at the bar or something.
4) Ask customer service (with Fidelity or wherever) to have the share/shares input into the Direct Registration System - which is required by law.
5) Upon Direct Registration those shares are then titled in your own name (and an account is created automatically for you) and transferred to GameStop's official stockholders list at Computershare. Computershare handles the stocks for major companies such as Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon.
6) You're done... if you want. If that's all you do, you're set - and doing more than most people on the planet would ever be able to do - and will help bring justice to Wall Street.
7) If you want to buy more shares you can through the brokerage (and transfer them, again, through the DRS) or you can through Computershare. If you buy through Computershare, you will need to follow these steps to insure they are in your own name.
8) That's it.
9) There has never - in all of market history - been more shares Directly Registered with one company than there are now with GameStop. It is 100% unprecedented. More shares are Directly Registered by GameStop investors than Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon combined. This, ultimately and eventually, will result in bringing to light Wall Street fraud and criminality.